Sunday, February 27, 2011


Boy is it ever messy (the understatement of the year, ladies and gents!)
People are hurting and experiencing more pain and tragedy than I want to think about.
Once, again my spirit feels tired. I cannot begin to comprehend the pain of some, yet I still feel the ache in my soul. Oh, Lord, when will you "make all things new"?

 This morning Sean spoke about fear. He said giving into it is like "trusting in the enemy". Legitimizing his threats. But Satan will have no final victory. Christ has won the war.
Mr.Durfee recently pointed out that God is not bound by time. Time is His Creation. What, to us, will happen in the future to Him simply is. He will have the victory. He has defeated sin and death and will make all things new. He will restore His creation. He will come for His bride. Soon, all pain will be gone.
In the meantime He wants us to draw closer to Him. Nothing He does is without purpose. If we were to understand all His ways, He would cease to be God. I don't want to put my trust in anyone else. No, i don't understand what He does, but I know enough to know He is the only answer. To look anywhere else for answeres is futile. Even in my realtively few years of life, I have seen enough to know that. Does that mean I won't do stupid things or constantly struggle with wanting my own way instead of His? No. I want only to try to stay close to Him. Even that, will be through His grace alone.He is the Hope of my soul. In Him I have the strength to love. The motivation to forgive.

"I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain. Come quickly and abide, or life is vain"

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