So. Here it is. My blog. I've been unsuccessful at starting and continuing with one before now. Perhaps they are one their way "out" of popularity (I sincerely hope not). One would think it was a monumental task to create one of these and do a daily (or so) entry into it. However, for a perfectionist such as myself it requires brainpower and sometimes, I'm just plain lazy. I do, however, want to have a place to express my often tumultuous thoughts, and, for what it's worth, my opinions on, and revelations about life in general (terrible sentence structure, I know). Granted, I've not lived long enough to have any observations truly earth- shattering and perhaps I am narcissistic to assume others would want to read my musings. I do, however think it is a good thing to express one's thoughts through "journaling" (and online journaling :) and the skill of thinking through a given matter and "saying the thing we mean to say" (Thanks, Mr. Durfee ;) is sadly lacking these days. Often, I am the worst offender. Perhaps this will help me. If no one else ever reads or gleans a single thing from this, it will not be in vain because it is a sort of "therapy" for me. Please excuse the imperfect grammar, sentence structure, venting, raging, melancholia, over-excitement and anything else which might offend or annoy =)
I drew inspiration for the title of this blog from one of my favorite bible verses. Since I enjoy running (perhaps it would be better termed "jogging"?) i understand the concept of "endurance" a little....
"... let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12 :1
My primary goal for my life is to grow closer to my Savior and in turn "be love" to others. That means whatever I do, whatever he has planned for me, I give love to others without agenda,serve without promise of reward and point them only to Christ and His love. Wears me out just thinking of it. However, it cannot be in my own power. Christ will have to be the "oxygen" to my spiritual "muscles" (pardon the "cheesiness") if I am to posses any sort of endurance.
this blog will serve primarily to (hopefully) sort out the muddle mess which is my brain. If someone gets something out of it, wonderful! If's all good....
I'm tired as I write this, so I don't even know if any of the above made sense. Oh well. Take it for what it's worth...
So ends my disclaimer. G'night, ya'll =)
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